What if there was a way for you to:

overcome emotional struggles and regulate your mood
improve relationships and set clear and healthy boundaries
learn skills to cope when in distress or crisis
& Take Charge of Your Life...

... WITHOUT Falling for The Same Old Ways That Bring NO RESULTS?


What If There Was a Way for You to:

 overcome emotional struggles and regulate your mood
 improve relationships and set clear and healthy boundaries
 learn skills to cope when in distress or crisis
 & Take Charge of Your Life...
... WITHOUT Falling for The Same Old Ways That Bring NO RESULTS?



Hi, I'm Shona, and here's what I'd like to
share with you...

Most of us will struggle at some point with our mental health and relationships. However, some of us experience these struggles with such intensity and frequency that it fundamentally impacts our wellbeing and safety. DBT was created as a treatment option to assist people that experience extreme issues with emotional regulation, decision-making and relationships. So…what is DBT exactly…Great question. Watch the Video below!



DBT Informed Skills Program - Mastering the Essentials

While originally created as a treatment option for those with Borderline Personality Disorder, it is now used effectively to treat conditions such as anxiety and depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders and addictive behaviours such as emotional eating, substance abuse and gambling. DBT offers a broad array of therapeutic components, with the most important being Skills Training. 
DBT is an action-based therapy, you need to show-up and you need to do the work. I can teach you the skills but at the end of the day, YOU need to use them and implement them into your daily life!

If you’re an action taker then read-on.
There is a better way just ahead.

Would you like to:

➔ have more control over your behaviours, actions and reactions
➔ build or regain healthy relationships with your loved ones – family, friends and colleagues
➔ and FINALLY END the emotional rollercoaster that is your current life

If you answered YES to any of the above, then I’m really glad you’re here. You see, I’ve dedicated months of my time re-creating my previous face-to-face DBT skills Training Program to make it better than ever and we are now ready to launch the NEW and IMPROVED program online.

But how can you learn to regulate your emotions and improve your ability to connect with others when nothing else has worked for you in the past:

Well…it’s actually a lot easier than you think – simply by following the right strategy and learning and implementing the DBT skills, you’ll see results. This Program is unlike anything you’ve tried before.

Unlearn old patterns

You’ll unlearn old patterns that no longer serve you and embrace a new way of managing and dealing with difficult emotions

Recognise Impulsive behaviours

You’ll recognise and better understand your impulsive behaviours and develop a proven toolbox of skills to help reduce them significantly

Cope with crisis situations

You’ll learn behavioural strategies that will equip you with the skills to cope with crisis situations or distress

Reduce unhelpful behaviours

You’ll learn to reduce unhelpful behaviours and most of all not make the situation worse

Tolerate difficult emotions

You’ll learn to tolerate difficult and intense emotional moments while honouring and validating your need to feel better in the short-term and long-term.

Create a life worth living

You’ll learn to create a life worth living and reduce suffering, leading you to real change and self-acceptance.


Learn the skills and change your life:

Create the life you want
Learn how to STOP

➔ acting impulsively

➔ spiralling out-of-control emotions

➔ self-sabotage

➔ anger outbursts

➔ letting past trauma control you

Create and maintain health relationships
Learn how to COPE with

➔ feelings of rejection or abandonment

➔ trust issues

➔ jealousy

➔ black & white thinking patterns

➔ intimacy issues

Imagine what it will feel like as:

  • You learn effective life skills to regulate your emotions and calm your nervous system to avoid explosive or unwanted behaviours.
  • You gain confidence to manage difficult situations and trust in yourself that you can manage situations effectively.
  • You learn to navigate difficult relationships and improve your ability to resolve conflict
  • You enjoy deeper connections with your loved ones, family and friends

What would it be worth to you to feel more in control of your emotions opposed to your emotions controlling you!

Let's take a look at what's inside

Orientation: What is DBT?

This Module introduces DBT and the goals of skills training. You will learn the DBT biosocial theory as an explanation as to why some people struggle to manage their emotions and actions. We introduce the concept of the D in DBT - Dialectics. You will also be encouraged to identify your own personal goals.

Mindfulness Part 1

In this Module we will learn the CORE mindfulness skills that are central in DBT. Mindfulness skills teach us how to observe and experience reality as it is, to be less judgemental, and to live in the moment with effectiveness. They are the first skills taught and support all the other DBT skills. We specifically learn the skills Wise Mind and the What and How skill.

Mindfulness Part 2

In Part 2 of the Mindfulness module, we learn the skill of Walking the Middle Path and Mindfulness of Current Thoughts. We also spend time focusing on how Mindfulness can be incorporated into our everyday life.

Emotion Regulation Part 1

In Part 1 we begin to understand and name emotions. Emotions serve important functions, and it can be hard to change an emotion if we don't understand what it does for us. We further learn the skill of Check the Facts.

Emotion Regulation Part 2

In Part 2, we continue our learning, and introduce the skills of ABC Please, Mindfulness of Emotion, Opposite Action and Brainstorming and Problem Solving.

Distress Tolerance Part 1

This Module helps us to tolerate crisis situations without making things worse. We look at two sections - Crisis skills to tolerate painful events, urges and actions and Acceptance skills to help us accept the situation even though we may not like it. We learn the STOP skill, Pros/Cons, TIPP skill, distracting with Wise Mind accepts, self-soothing techniques and Improving the Moment.

Distress Tolerance Part 2

In Part 2 we delve further into learning the skills of Radical Acceptance, Turning the Mind, Breathing exercises, Willingness v Willfulness and Half smile and Willing hands.

Interpersonal Effectiveness Part 1

In this Module we learn to manage interpersonal conflict effectively and maintain and improve relationships. Specifically we learn the DEAR MAN skill to help us to ask for what we want and have our needs met.

Interpersonal Effectiveness Part 2

In Part 2 of this Module, we continue our Interpersonal Effectiveness learning journey and learn skills to maintain relationships and validate others and ourselves using the skills of FAST and GIVE.

Let's recap. Mastering the skills

In the final Module, we go through each of the skills we have learnt during this Program to consolidate learning and to learn how these skills can be used in our everyday life.

* PLUS *

I’m going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you have the essentials to help you learn, grow and transform your life.

Bonus 1

DBT workbook includes worksheets and homework tasks (PDF printable download)

Bonus 2

DBT skills Diary (PDF printable download)

Bonus 3

DBT skills Cheat sheet (PDF printable download)

Here’s what’s included in the
DBT-informed Skills program:

With this program you'll get:

1. Ten Modules of skill-based learning

2. Video recordings (recordings are broken down to bite-sized 30-minute durations)

3. Easy access platform to login anytime with your unique username and password

4.BONUS 1 - DBT Workbook (printable colour PDF)

5. BONUS 2 - DBT diary (printable colour PDF)

6. BONUS 3 - Skills Cheat Sheet (printable colour PDF)



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The 1st payment is taken at the time of signing up for the program. The 2nd payment is taken one month later


Wait I’ve still got questions.

No problem – check out the most frequently asked questions below

Are you ready to improve your life now and create the life you deserve?

This is your chance to do things differently and learn the skills that can help you build a life worth living.

Real change is possible!

Yes! I'm Ready

Are you ready to improve your life now and create the life you deserve?

This is your chance to do things differently and learn the skills that can help you build a life worth living.

Real change is possible!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready